The latest example of the blending of offline and online worlds is Kwedit, a new
The latest reinvention of traditional book publishing comes from California-based start-up Vook, which integrates text,
Social shopping is something we’ve been seeing more and more of lately, including sites like
Taking a local approach to candy bars, Nestlé recently launched 19 new Kit Kat flavours
As same-sex marriages become increasingly common, so too do the opportunities to help make those
A truism among venture capitalists is that not only do they invest in promising business
Regular Springwise readers may recall The Impossible Project, the Dutch / Austrian effort to bring
The proverbial ink had barely dried on our story about Manpacks when one of our
We’ve seen bicycles used to deliver a variety of products in recent months, including groceries,
It’s no longer uncommon to see bags and even jackets with pockets for gadgets, but
Much the way Urban Gentry and Insider London offer specialized urban tours catering to people
Office paper may be virgin or recycled, but when it comes right down to it,